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ALD/AMN Warriors

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jason Hermacinski Story ALD/AMN

In 1989 my parents took me to see some doctors.  I was always weak and tired easily.  I was also having some trouble walking.  One of the doctors I went to was a foot doctor.
He decided that the reason I was having trouble walking was because I needed a heel cord extension.  He did that and my walking issues were solved.  We then found out why I
was weak and tired.  Doctors in Peoria, Illinois diagnosed me with Addison's and they thought something else was going on so they sent me to Chicago.  I went through several tests
while I was there.  We then came home which was about 3 hours away then had to go back several days later for the results.  The doctors told my mom and dad to take me home
and love me because I would be dead in 2 years (22 years later and my mom still talks about that doctor and how he told her).  A few weeks later they sent me to Baltimore where
they confirmed that I had ALD, did several test, and put me on Lorenzo's oil.  While we were there my dad and very sick and in alot of pain.  When we came home he was diagnosed
with cancer.  Alot for our family to deal with in such a short time.  I had started the oil and being treated for Addison's.  After I started the meds for Addison's I felt so much better and
so much more active.  2 years past and I was feeling good.  I was not died like they told us at first, but right around that same time my dad was losing his battle with cancer.  He died October 26th 1991.  I was 11.
About 6 years later I stopped talking the oil.  The doctors didn't tell me to stop, it was that I was a teenager and knew everthing. 
When I was 26 I think I started noticing issues when I was walking.  I saw a neuroligist here and called Baltimore.  Both said they were symptoms of AMN. 

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